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Welcome to official website aifscs

अखिल भारतीय राज्य सिविल/प्रशासनिक सेवा फैडरेशन

Welcome to AIFSCS

For the time being, the Registered Office of the Federation will be in the Union Territory of Delhi at D-11/9, Pandara Road, New Delhi-110003.to encourage cooperation and build brotherhood among various State Administrative and Civil Service groups.Promote the overall well-being of SCS members, both individually and collectively, and unite and defend SCS interests nationwide.Work tirelessly to advance the needs of the populace, contribute to the preservation of the exquisite mosaic of Indian culture, and upholdadvocate, encourage, and organise efforts for the State Civil Service's and their Families' welfare.to foster an atmosphere of greater empathy and cooperation, and to improve communication between the various civil services.

It needs to be remembered that the concept of Rights of human beings is neither entirely western nor modern. Human rights are integral to the ethos of civil society philosophy.